Services Directory

Square Dance Caller services for regular square dance clubs and special square dances, Party nights for non-square dancers (fun dances everyone can do), Beginning, intermediate, and advanced square dance lessons, DJ Music and/or square dance caller services for wedding receptions, birthday parties, church socials, picnics, neighborhood block parties, etc. Master of Ceremonies for events and special occasions, and even sound for your festival or convention! All services provided by Crown Records Staff and Guest callers are contracted and negotiated directly with the individual square dance caller.

Name Phone eMail Services Provided (See Key Below)
Matt Worley 757-435-6429 BA, MS, PL, RA, LI, CD, FE, FT, TC, PA, DJ, LD, LS, WD
Elbert Harrison 252-619-5711 BA, MS, PL, LI, RA, TC
Bobby Poyner 815-210-9813 BA,MS,PL,A1,A2,RA,LI,FE,TC,PA
Charlie Robertson 580-618-8508 BA, MS, PL, A1, A2, C1, C2, RA, LI, CD, FE, TC, PA
Drew Scearce 571-213-1821 BA, MS, PL, LI, FE, FT, TC

Services Key
BA Square Dance Basic Program CW Country Western Instruction LI Licensed with BMI & ASCAP FT Full Time Caller
MS Square Dance Mainstream Program C1 Square Dance C-1 Program CN Contra Caller TC Travelling Caller
PL Square Dance Plua Program C2 Square Dance C-2 Program LD Line Dance Instruction PA Party (for non-dancers)
A1 Square Dance A-1 Program TD Traditional Square Dance CD Community Dance Program DJ Provides Disc Jockey Services
A2 Square Dance A-2 Program RA Recording Artist FE Festival Caller LS Live Festival Sound
CS Caller Seminars & School Instruction

WD Weddings & Cerromonies
MFC link
PayPal Acceptance Mark
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Last modified/updated on: Tuesday 2021-11-30 23:56:14 UTC
(other pages on this website will have different dates)

This website is owned and copyright © 2007-2024 by the producers of Crown Records, Bob Worley and Matt Worley. All rights reserved.